Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 2 is a re-release of the classic action-horror Resident Evil 2 (1998) from 1998 with a third-person perspective. The events of the sequel unfold two... Read more
Resident Evil 2 is a re-release of the classic action-horror Resident Evil 2 (1998) from 1998 with a third-person perspective. The events of the sequel unfold two months after the ending of Resident Evil HD Remaster.
A catastrophe occurs in the small American town of Raccoon City. All its residents have turned into zombies due to biological weapons created by the pharmaceutical company Umbrella. The main characters — Leon Kennedy and Claire Redfield must find a way out of this zombie madness.
This is not just a simple re-release, but a significantly revised original game with new mechanics, content, and quests, along with modernized graphics. At the same time, it carefully transfers levels, important moments, and maintains the style. Capcom avoids calling it a remake, considering it a full-fledged new part of the famous series, while simultaneously bringing the concept of the original Resident Evil 2 (1998) to a modern level.
The project was worked on by 800 people, who used the RE Engine, which has proven itself in Resident Evil 7 Biohazard, much of the content was made from scratch, and the remaining was significantly improved. The game levels underwent substantial changes and can surprise even veterans of the series. The developers also created many new puzzles, locations, and secrets.
Unlike modern games, the action of Resident Evil 2 does not take place in an open world. Instead, players can explore several main, carefully crafted locations connected by short sleeve-like locations.
Each main location is tied to certain events, filled not only with enemies but also with useful items and equipment. The artists create an atmosphere of hopelessness and fear through total darkness, eerie sounds, regularly encountered blood trails, bodies and their parts, as well as very limited space.
Due to narrow corridors, rooms blocked by various furniture, and cramped conditions in general, firearms lose their effectiveness, allowing zombies to easily reach the player. They are the main opponents, but periodically the player is tormented by various creatures mutated by the T- and G-viruses.
Resident Evil 2 has one storyline, which is told through two protagonists — Leon Kennedy and Claire Redfield, each having their own story arc with some common moments. To fully complete the game, you need to play as both Leon and Claire.
Each also has their unique abilities in gameplay, and some puzzles can only be solved by one of the characters. Enemies not killed during the first playthrough may appear during the second. Leon and Claire also use different weapons.
However, this pair is far from the only survivors in Raccoon City; as the game progresses, the player will encounter a whole series of important characters. Dialogues as such are absent; the heroes simply talk to each other in cutscenes rendered in the engine.
As for the plot, in the re-release it has been expanded with new dialogues and additional information, but structurally it remains unchanged. Leon and Claire want to leave the city at any cost, but they encounter a girl named Sherry, who is being pursued by a zombie mutant. Now the only way to escape is to fight through the secret underground complex of the Umbrella Corporation.
If you have never played Resident Evil 2, note that you are in for an exciting action game, full of stunning cutscenes and without annoying QTEs, featuring secret corporations and their dirty dealings, personal drama of heroes with different goals, as well as a constant threat to life.
The changes in gameplay are more than significant; the authors have clearly taken into account the success of Dead Space (2008) and Dark Souls. From the first game, it features non-trivial controls, which combined with the characters' inexperience turns aiming and shootouts into a small mini-game.
The new "Resident Evil" has increased difficulty. Survival is necessary for half the game, dodging from every shadow and frantically collecting useful items. For example, ordinary zombies can withstand several shots to the head from a pistol — after a while following the "shooting," they get up and start looking for the main character again.
The combat system has become more modern; for instance, shooting resembles that of Resident Evil 4 (2005) and subsequent sequels, but from the 7th part, the mechanics of limb shooting have been added. A skilled shooter can slow down a zombie with a single shot, which will even affect its appearance.
Zombies remain classic: they are slow and do not possess special mutations like the enemies from Resident Evil 6. However, the main characters are far from being terminators — receiving two bites will lead to the character's death.
Another interesting innovation is barricades. For example, on the first floor of the police station, there are many broken windows through which zombies constantly crawl. This can be stopped by boarding up all the problematic places.
Weapons in Resident Evil 2 can be upgraded by adding stocks, larger magazines, and other "gadgets." However, each character can carry no more than four types of weapons, which maintains balance. However, the inventory size is so small that you can't carry more anyway.
- Key Easter eggs have been preserved — the ability to play through the game as a block of tofu, an alligator in the sewers, and a member of the U.S.S. "Alpha" team named Hunk.
- The camera in the re-release is positioned over the shoulder of the main character, so the visibility has increased. And while previously the limited view added extra fear, now these same feelings are produced by the quality design of each level and the play of light and shadow.
- After the release, the game introduced the Ghost Survivors mode, where you can play as different characters — Ada Wong, Robert Kendo, and Katherine, not just Leon and Claire. There is an in-game store (without microtransactions) with additional items.
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System requirements and PC test
- Windows 10
- CPU: Intel Core i5-4460
- RAM: 8 GB
- Free Space: 26 GB
- Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960
- DirectX: 12
- Keyboard, Mouse
- Windows 10
- CPU: Intel Core i7-3770
- RAM: 8 GB
- Free Space: 26 GB
- VRAM: 3 GB
- Video Card: Nvidia GTX 1060
- DirectX: 12
- Keyboard, Mouse
Reviews and ratings
Horror that scared me and showed me how to make remakes of old cult games
Хоррор ,который меня напугал и показал как надо делать ремейки старых культовых игр
An interesting and high-quality game, not scary, if you are not very timid, there is room to think and shoot, nice graphics and small animations, it’s clear that they worked on the game.
Интересная и качественная игра, не страшная, если вы не очень пугливый, есть где подумать и пострелять, приятная графика и мелкие анимации видно что над игрой работали.
I played the Remake, completed both campaigns 4 times (for Leon and Claire 2 times) and realized that they sold me garbage. Why? Because the promised connected plot is NOT! Both scenarios are standalone, that is, they are not connected. For example, let's take the moment with the Crocodile, in the original you could choose several methods of killing, in the Remake... well, thank you for not being a QTE. For Claire and Sherry we go down the elevator, we come for Leon, we have to lift the elevator, but it breaks down and we have to look for another way, but what in the Remake? NOTHING! There is no such thing there. Or for example boss battles. In the Remake, we kicked Birkin's ass for Claire, we come for Leon... and again we have to kick Birkin's ass. And there are many such moments! They al… Read full
Поиграл в Ремейк, прошёл обе кампании 4 раза (За Леона и Клэр 2 раза) и понял что мне продали фигню. Почему? Потому что обещанного связанного сюжета — НЕТ! Оба сценария автономны, то есть они не связанны. Например возьмём момент с Крокодилом, в оригинале ты мог выбрать несколько способ убийства, в Ремейке... ну спасибо, что не QTE. За Клэр и Шерри опускаемся на лифте, приходим за Леона, должны поднять лифт, а тот сломается и мы должны искать другой путь, а в Ремейке что? НИ-ЧЕ-ГО! Нет там такого. Или например битвы с боссом. В Ремейке, надрали зад за Клэр Биркину, приходим за Леона... и опять надо надирать зад Биркину. И таких моментов много! А ещё они вырезали лабораторию, но увеличили канализацию... Чего стоят неуместные шутки персонажей и тупые диалоги(Я знаю что в оригинале, они тоже б… Read full
When quarantine and self-isolation began, I began to look for a game to while away the time. And since I was just starting to get acquainted with resident evil, I thought: “But resident evil 2 remake has recently been released. This is currently the newest game in this series.” To my surprise, my old computer ran this miracle, although not without some frills. That's why I spent the entire quarantine running around the police station, sewers and laboratory, killing zombies, lickers and other evil spirits, running away from the Tyrant and fighting with Birkin. I liked the game because of the plot, the characters, the graphics, and the soundtrack. And recently I installed it on my new computer and went through it again on maximum difficulty. And although I haven’t played the original remakes, I’ll definitely play through them, and the remake is excellent.
Когда начались карантин и самоизоляция, я стал искать себе игру, чтобы коротать время. А поскольку я как раз начинал знакомиться с resident evil, то я подумал: "А ведь недавно вышел resident evil 2 remake. Это на данный момент новейшая игра в этой серии." К моему удивлению, мой старый комп потянул это чудо, хоть и не без фризов. Поэтому я весь карантин бегал по полицейскому участку, канализации и лаборатории, убивал зомби, лизунов и другую нечисть, убегал от Тирана и дрался с Биркином. Игра понравилась мне сюжетом, и персонажами, и графикой, и саундтреком. А недавно я установил её на свой новый компьютер и прошёл ещё раз на максимальной сложности. И хотя я не играл в оригинальные резики, обязательно их пройду, а ремейк отличный.
The game is cool, it keeps you on your toes, especially when weirdos appear in the area you’ve cleared, there’s little or no ammo, and there’s a tyrant running after you - what a bacchanalia it is.
It’s annoying that zombies are barely killable: a regular pistol should hit their head right away, but no, it doesn’t, zombies without crit need to put at least 6-10 bullets into their head, if you don’t take a larger caliber - that’s where they did it wrong developers
Игра классная, держит в напряжении, особенно, когда в области, которую ты зачистил, появляются чудики, патронов мало или нет вообще, а за тобой еще и тиран бегает — вот это вакханалия еще та.
напрягает, что зомби еле убиваемые: в голову их обычный пистолет должен валить сразу, но нет, он не валит, зомбям без крита надо не менее 6-10 пуль в голову всадить, если не взять калибр побольше — вот здесь неправильно сделали разрабы